Ten Community Strategies to Combat Lethal but Legal Products
How can communities and community groups bring an end to food, alcohol, tobacco and other corporations’ harmful practices? Read this list of 10 possible strategies.
Strengthen right to know and duty to disclose rules.
Create health zones free of commercial promotion of unhealthy products.
Use zoning laws to limit density of unhealthy outlets.
Encourage young people to create counter-advertising campaigns
Protect children from targeted marketing
Enforce existing laws on lethal but legal products
Require full disclosure of campaign contributions by donor and recipient.
Limit and require disclosure of all lobbying.
Train and support community groups and leaders
Reject the view that there is no alternative, insist another world is possible.
For more, see: Lethal but Legal: Corporations, Consumption and Protecting Public Health by Nicholas Freudenberg, Oxford University Press, 2014.