New York and the Green Guerrillas
Carolina Caffe presents Nova York e os Guerrilheiros Verdes. Watch the short film on how some communities in New York faced the challenges of gentrification and the food industry, with the creation of community gardens.
In a world where the number of people grows exponentially, along with the environmental and health damage, seeking new paradigms of production and consumption, pointing at alternatives to the current urban development model, is no longer a choice. We must act with urgency, strategy and creativity – inside and outside the system.
At the heart of the rich island of Manhattan, sprouted community gardens that made people stop their daily races to ask themselves, “I still know what means eating?”. These green spaces have mushroomed in the city, and today represent not only a symbol of resistance to the privatization of food, but also resistance to the commercialization of space, human relationships and life.
Carolina Caffe is a Documentarist, Journalist and Visual anthropologist. She develops sociocultural researches and social-artistic medias. Articles, films, journalistic essays, web-documentaries and media exhibitions.
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