Center News – March 2015

Some of the ideas generated at a youth food event in East Harlem where middle school students were asked to create counter-marketing campaigns against manufacturers of unhealthy food in their community.
We are pleased to announce that we are the recipients of a grant from the Levitt Foundation to support our East Harlem Youth Food Educators Pilot program. This grant will enable us to engage young people in learning about healthy eating and food systems, improving access to affordable fresh and nutritious foods in their own neighborhoods.
The Spring 2015 Research Action Workshop on the East Harlem Food Environment is also well underway. Students and community fellows have embarked on several projects related to the East Harlem food environment:
- Access to healthy food for seniors
- Free lunch for all middle schoolers
- Revitalizing La Marqueta
- Documenting the impact of gentrification on food environments for NYCHA residents
- Engaging Youth in Challenging Marketing of unhealthy food
- Assessing the reach of food pantries
- Documenting changes in food environments and food policies over the last decade
- Impact of new USDA food rules for East Harlem preschool and senior centers
- Healthy food distribution
We’ll share more information on these exciting projects as they progress! Please write to Diana Johnson, Director of Community Projects, with questions: