At the Mayoral Food Forum 2021: Town Hall on the Future of Food in New York City, NYC mayoral candidates discussed food policy, including hunger, public nutrition programs, school meals, urban agriculture, and more. The event was hosted by the Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center in collaboration with the NYC COVID-19 Food Coalition, including City Harvest, the CUNY Urban Food Policy Center, Equity Advocates, Food Bank for NYC, HungerFree America, UJA-Federal of NY, LiveOn NY, United Way of NYC and the Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy at Columbia University.
NYC mayoral candidates were then asked to explain their plans to address food insecurity, sustainability, and workers’ rights in a follow-up survey from the event. Questions included how they would decrease poverty and end hunger in NYC and how they will ensure the lived-experiences and expertise of communities of color are incorporated into the development of policies to build a more equitable food system. Ten candidates responded to the survey; click on each mayoral candidate’s picture below to read more on where they stand on food policy.