New York City Food by the Numbers: Food Trucks
In many cities, food trucks have become an important part of the food scene. What’s the story in New York City?
- Number of licenses NYC Department of Health issues for food trucks and carts: 5,100 mobile-food-vending permits, which include trucks and food carts; just 500 belong to food-truck operators.
- Most common food sold by food trucks: ice cream
- Estimate for cost of leasing a permit from another holder: $15,000 to $20,000 for two years
- Estimated revenues from food trucks and carts in NYC: $15 million
- USA Today’s the Ten Best Food Trucks in New York City
Some resources on food trucks
Davidson A. The Food-Truck Stops Here. New York Times Sunday Magazine, May 12, 2013, p. MM16.
Davis J, Morales A. Fining the Hand That Feeds You: Street Vendor Fines and Increasing Revenues to New York City. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Working Paper 12-01, April 2012.
Fickenscher L. Food trucks stuck in park, Crain’s New York Business, May 11, 2014. National League of Cities. Food on Wheels: Mobile Vending Goes Mainstream, 2013.