Healthy Food For Upper Manhattan (HFUM), is a workgroup and collaborative space focused specifically on food-related work in Upper Manhattan. This joint effort seeks to address the availability and quality (affordability and desirability) of healthy foods in Upper Manhattan. We aim to bring together expertise and collaborate on targeted local campaigns related to food and health. Save the date for our September 21, 2015 meeting.
Special Topic
Rezoning & Food: What is rezoning and what does this mean for the food movement?
Kimberly Libman, Deputy Director for Prevention, Division of Health Policy, The New York Academy of Medicine.
Mia Brezin, Assistant District Manager, Community Board 11
Carmen Diaz-Malvido, Program Manager, East and Central Harlem District Public Health Office, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Location: 55 West 125th Street, CUNY SChool of Public Health
12:00pm – 1:30pm
To RSVP: Please email