Food Policy for Breakfast Getting to Yes on Salt: How to Translate Conflicting Evidence into Public Health Policy – Resources
May 20, 2014
Event Video
Dr. Farley’s presentation
Dr. Galea’s presentation
Bakalar, N. Study Linking Illness and Salt Leaves Researchers Doubtful. New York Times. April 22, 2014.
Bayer R, Johns D, Galea S. Salt, Science, And Public Health: The Challenge Of Evidence-Based
Decision Making. Health Affairs. 2012; 31(12): 2738-2746. PMID: 23213158.
Farley, T. The Public Health Crisis Hiding in Our Food. New York Times. April 20, 2014
He FJ, Pombo-Rodrigues S, MacGregor GA. Salt reduction in England from 2003 to 2011: its relationship to blood pressure, stroke and ischaemic heart disease mortality. BMJ Open 2014;4:e004549. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004549
Johns DM, Bayer R, Galea S. Controversial salt report peppered with uncertainty. [letter]. Science.
2013;341: 1063. PMID: 24009376. doi: 10.1126/science.341.6150.1063.
The National Salt Reduction Initiative, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
A re-cap of the seminar can be found on Planet NYC.