Change Food: NYC Food Based Community Organization Spotlight

by Alexina Cather, MPH

What they do: Change Food works to help fix a broken food system for all by encouraging and empowering individuals to make a difference through their own means. Through education and community activities, Change Food believes that it is possible to alter the food industry from the ground up. Their three goals include (1) creating collaboration within the food movement, (2) helping programs which have already been implemented and successful be showcased and (3) utilizing individuals from today’s generation who has a passion for healthy food.

How they do it: To accomplish this feat, Change Food utilizes education, marketing and a variety of special events, including dinners.

Mission: Change Food strives to create a healthy food system for all by developing programs, events and resources for those changing food from the ground up.

Latest project/campaigns:

  • Change Food Center: A physical space in upstate New York that will be a retreat center, innovation incubator and creative space to develop or strengthen solutions to problems with food and farming. Similar organizations include the Aspen Institute, Yaddo and the Omega Center.
  • Change Food Fest:  Whether it be a salon, festival or dinner series, Change Food develops creative experiences that raise awareness, promote solutions and provide tools that can educate others.
    • Upcoming Events:
      • March 27- Dinner in Brooklyn featuring Brooklyn food
      • May 24th- Dinner featuring food and companies in the Midwest
      • Late Summer/early Fall- Change Food Fest focused on dairy products.
  • Change Food Video Library: Change Food updates, maintains and
    • An assortment videos are added to the Change Food Video Library so interested individuals and groups around the world can host their own events in order to create change locally.  

Major Funding: Anonymous

Profit/nonprofit: Nonprofit

Annual budget: $250K

Interesting fact about how they are working to positively affect the food system: Videos of talks given at Change Food events have exceeded 8 million views.




151 First Avenue

Suite 151

New York, NY, 10003

Core Programs: Change Food Center, Change Food Fest, Change Food Video Library

Number of staff: 1

Number of volunteers: 10

Areas served: All five boroughs and New York State

Date started: 2013

Founder/Director: Diane Hatz

Contact information:

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