A Roundup of Children’s Gardening Programs in NYC

by Marissa Sheldon, MPH

Within New York City’s concrete jungle there are many parks and gardens that allow residents to explore nature, grow, and/or harvest their own food. Following is a roundup of programs available throughout the city that focus on teaching children about gardening and growing food. At the end of the article you will find a list of gardens that are open to the public. 

Please note: This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. We have included programs for children that focus on gardening and growing food, but have excluded school gardening programs that are exclusive to students at a particular school, such as those run through Edible Schoolyard NYC or GrowNYC. We also acknowledge that there are many schools and programs throughout the city with a broader focus on exploring nature, but we have chosen to highlight those that focus on gardening specifically. 


New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) Children’s Education
Children’s Gardening Program:
New York Botanical Garden, Edible Academy: Ruth Rea Howell Vegetable Garden
1575 Bronx Park Rd
Bronx, NY 10467
Ages: 3-12

  • Ages 3-5: $205 per six-week session for non-members
  • Ages 6-12: varies by season, ranging from $130 to $265 per 6- to 10-week session for non-members
  • Discounted rates NYBG members
  • Partial scholarships also available

Dates Available: Year-round, sessions available each season
What They Do: The Children’s Gardening Program teaches children to plant, tend, harvest, and taste fresh vegetables and herbs. 

  • Garden Sprouts is a program for children ages 3 to 5, accompanied by an adult. Each session is six weeks long. Children meet for 1.5 hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays, depending on the season and the group in which they enroll.
  • Garden Crafters is for children ages 6 to 12. In the spring and fall, it is offered as a 10-week session for 2.5 hours on Saturday mornings. During the winter, it is a 6-week session for two hours on Saturday mornings. The summer session runs on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for 2.5 hours for six weeks. 

Registration: Garden Sprouts (age 3-5), Garden Crafters (age 6-12)
Contact Information: Email: childed@nybg.org | Phone: 718-817-8181

Green Thumbs Gardening Camp 
New York Botanical Garden, Edible Academy
1575 Bronx Park Rd
Bronx, NY 10467
Ages: Children entering grades 1-6

  • Session 1: $1,400 for non-members
  • Session 2: $1,500 for non-members
  • Discounted rates for NYBG members
  • $150 extra per week for early or late pick-up

Dates Available: Session 1: July 1-19, Session 2: July 29 – August 16
What They Do: Children use NYBG’s Edible Academy campus and NYBG grounds to learn about growing plants and eating vegetables, understand sustainability, and explore nature throughout the garden.   
Registration: Pre-registration is required
Contact Information: Email: childed@nybg.org | Phone: 718-817-8181


Brooklyn Botanic Garden (BBG): Children’s Garden Classes
Family Gardening Hours
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Children’s Garden
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Ages: Children of all ages, with an adult caregiver

  • $35 for an adult-child pair (non-members)
  • $18 for additional family members
  • Discounted rate for BBG members

Dates Available: One-time session in April, June, or September
What They Do: Children and their caregivers receive hands-on education during a 1.5-hour session to learn about planting seeds, watering vegetables and flowers, crafting in nature, and tasting fresh produce.
Registration: https://www.showclix.com/event/brooklyn-botanic-garden-family-gardening-hours/listing 
Contact Information: Email: childrensgarden@bbg.org 

Trees and Saplings
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Children’s Garden
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Ages: 2-3, with an adult

  • One-hour programs: $250 per 7-week session for non-members
  • 1.5-hour programs: $350 per 7-week session for non-members
  • Discounted rate for BBG members

Dates Available: 7-week sessions beginning in April or September
What They Do: Young children and their caregivers gain experience tending to garden plots, tasting new foods, creating nature crafts, and singing songs.  
Registration: https://www.bbg.org/classes/spring_2024_trees_and_saplings 
Contact Information: Email: childrensgarden@bbg.org 

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Children’s Garden
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Ages: 4-6 (drop-off, no caregiver present)

  • Friday 1.5-hour program: $250 per 7-week session for non-members
  • Saturday two-hour program: $350 per 7-week session for non-members
  • Discounted rate for BBG members

Dates Available: 7-week sessions beginning in April or September
What They Do: Children in the Seeds program work together in small groups tending to garden plots, cooking, exploring nature, and crafting. 
Registration: https://www.bbg.org/classes/spring_2024_seeds 
Contact Information: Email: childrensgarden@bbg.org 

City Farmers
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Children’s Garden
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Ages: 7-13

  • Friday 1.5-hour program: $250 per 7-week session for non-members
  • Saturday two-hour program: $315 per 7-week session for non-members
  • Discounted rate for BBG members

Dates Available: 7-week sessions beginning in April or September
What They Do: Older children learn horticultural skills by planting and growing vegetables in addition to cooking, crafting, and exploring nature. 
Registration: https://www.bbg.org/classes/spring_2024_city_farmers 
Contact Information: Email: childrensgarden@bbg.org 

Garden Adventures
Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Children’s Garden
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Ages: 4-13

  • $425 per 6-week session for non-members
  • Discounted rate for BBG members

Dates Available: 6-week sessions (3 days per week, Wednesday through Friday) in July or August
What They Do: This summer program allows children to gain experience planting and harvesting, composting, and cooking, while learning about nature and science.
Registration: https://www.bbg.org/classes/garden_adventures 
Contact Information: Email: childrensgarden@bbg.org 

Red Hook Farms
Farm-Based Learning
Columbia Street Farm
560 Columbia Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Wolcott Street Farm
30 Wolcott Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Ages: All
Cost: Sliding scale
Dates Available: Spring and fall
What They Do: Farm-based learning sessions for school classes allow students the opportunity to learn about outdoor growing in an urban environment while enjoying a farm tour, service learning, and farm-fresh snacks. 
Registration: Registration for class visits begins a few weeks prior to the session start, and applications are posted here. Priority given to Red Hook-based schools and families. 
Contact Information: Joshua@rhicenter.org 

Youth Farmers Program
Columbia Street Farm
560 Columbia Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Wolcott Street Farm
30 Wolcott Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Ages: 14-19
Cost: None – apprentices earn $15 per hour.
Dates Available: March-June, July-August, September-November
What They Do: Apprentices help run the farms, from planting, weeding, and harvesting to conducting marketing and outreach. They grow fresh vegetables to distribute to Red Hook community members while learning about agriculture, food justice, and the environment. No experience necessary. Applicants must reside in Red Hook.
Registration: Application forms are available in February and March only and are posted here.
Contact Information: Joshua@rhicenter.org

South Brooklyn Children’s Garden
204 Columbia Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Ages: All
Cost: unavailable
Dates Available: April through October
What They Do: The South Brooklyn Children’s Garden is a membership-based cooperative and public garden that encourages children and their families to learn about gardening, fresh and healthy food sources, and connecting with nature. The garden also hosts field trips for local preschools and elementary schools. 
Registration: Membership is currently closed. If/when it reopens, application forms will be available here: https://southbrooklynchildrensgarden.org/join/ 
Contact Information: info.sbcg@gmail.com 


GrowNYC Teaching Garden on Governors Island
Location: 778 Enright Rd
New York, NY 10004
Ages: All
Cost: Free
Dates Available: May through October
What They Do: GrowNYC’s Teaching Garden on Governors Island is a one-acre farm where visitors learn about urban farming. Field trips are available for NYC schools and children’s groups for children ages 5 and up. Students engage in a hands-on experience in the garden – including planting, watering, harvesting, and cooking fresh fruits and vegetables – and learn about topics such as food justice, soil health, plant anatomy, composting, and healthy eating. The garden is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays from 12 PM to 4 PM, from May through October. Family-friendly programming includes scavenger hunts, self-guided tours, art projects, and a donation-based farm stand.
Registration: Field trip registration available here
Contact Information: ebrown@grownyc.org 

Randall’s Island Park Urban Farm: Edible Education Program
11 Wards Meadow Loop
New York, NY 10035
Ages: K-12 student groups
Cost: Free
Dates Available: 

  • School groups: September to November and April to June 
  • Summer camps: July and August 

What They Do: The Randall’s Island Urban Farm has more than 100 raised beds, two greenhouses, four rice paddies, and a fruit tree orchard. The Edible Education Program provides field trips for K-12 classes that offer age-appropriate hands-on learning experiences through planting, composting, and cooking. All field trip sessions can be tailored to align with what students are learning in the classroom. Community-based organizations can also bring student groups to a free summer camp that allows students to explore the urban farm and natural areas and engage in outdoor sports and movement-based activities. 
Registration: Register for field trips here. Community-based organizations can register for summer camp here.
Contact Information: education@randallsisland.org 


Queens Botanical Garden: Kids Programs
Garden Buds
43-50 Main Street
Flushing, NY 11355
Ages: 2-3

  • Spring: $150 for 4 weekly sessions for non-members
  • Summer: $210 for 6 weekly sessions for non-members
  • Discounted rate available for members
  • Discounted early bird registration rates available

Dates Available: 

  • Spring: April, May, or June
  • Summer: July or August

What They Do: Garden Buds is a one-hour weekly program for young children, accompanied by one caregiver per child, to work in the garden harvesting produce, making crafts, and singing songs.

Contact Information: Email: kidsprograms@queensbotanical.org | Phone: 718-886-3800 x218

Children’s Garden
43-50 Main Street
Flushing, NY 11355
Ages: 4-10

  • Spring: $400 for 8 weekly sessions for non-members
  • Summer: $800 per 2-week session for non-members
  • Discounted rate available for members
  • Additional cost for extended day options

Dates Available: 

  • Spring session: Saturdays or Sundays, April 13 through June 2
  • Summer session: 2-week sessions, Monday to Thursday, July or August

What They Do: The Children’s Garden is a drop-off program through which children learn to grow and harvest vegetables, conduct science experiments, explore the garden, and create botanical art. The spring session is conducted on Saturdays or Sundays from 1PM to 3PM, while the summer session runs for a full day (9AM to 3PM) from Monday through Thursday.

Contact Information: Email: kidsprograms@queensbotanical.org | Phone: 718-886-3800 x218

Junior Naturalists
43-50 Main Street
Flushing, NY 11355
Ages: Students entering grades 6-9

  • $800 per 2-week session for non-members
  • Discounted rate available for members
  • Additional cost for extended day options

Dates Available: Two-week sessions in July and Aust

What They Do: Junior Naturalists teaches middle school-aged students about gardening, sustainability, and local ecosystems through teamwork and critical thinking. Sessions last for two weeks from Monday through Thursday, 9AM to 3PM.
Registration: Register online here
Contact Information: Email: kidsprograms@queensbotanical.org | Phone: 718-886-3800 x218

wBees Forest School
20 Saint Johns St. 
Ridgewood, NY 11385
Ages: 2-4
Cost: $22,000 – $24,500 tuition to enroll one child for 5 days per week until 3pm, without extended day
Dates Available: September-June school year with a summer program option
What They Do: The wBees Forest School is a nature-based Montessori preschool serving the Ridgewood and Bushwick communities. The curriculum encourages outdoor exploration, engaging with nature, and learning about natural planting and harvesting cycles. 
Registration: https://www.wbeesforestschool.com/the-enrollment-process 
Contact Information: https://www.wbeesforestschool.com/contact 

Various Locations

City Parks Foundation Learning Gardens
Grove Hill Learning Garden
158th Street and Eagle Avenue in Morrisania, Bronx

Abib Newborn Learning Garden
495 Osborn Street in Brownsville, Brooklyn

ENY Success Gardens
449-446 Williams Avenue in East New York, Brooklyn

Liberty Learning Garden
173rd Street and 106th Avenue in South Jamaica, Queens
Ages: Grades 2 through 8; high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors

  • School Program and Summer Groups: Low cost
  • High School Training Program: Free

Dates Available: 

  • School Program: October through June
  • Summer Groups: July through August
  • High School Training Program: February through June

What They Do: City Parks runs the Learning Gardens programs for students living in under-resourced NYC communities. Elementary and middle school-aged children can participate in programs with their school or summer group to learn about community gardening, growing food, healthy eating, food justice, and understanding the urban environment through hands-on learning and science-based activities. The free High School Training Program for sophomores, juniors, and seniors is a five-month program during which students can earn high school credits (after 60 hours of instruction) while learning about gardening, food justice, and urban sustainability.  

Contact Information: Email: ssullivan@cityparksfoundation.org or kleier@cityparksfoundation.org 

NYC Department of Parks and Recreation: Garden Kitchen Labs
Location: Recreation centers in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Manhattan
Ages: 8-13
Cost: Free
Dates Available: Spring, Summer, Fall
What They Do: Garden Kitchen Labs is an after-school program focused on gardening, cooking and eating, science, and digital media. The program is offered in three seasonal sessions: April to June, July to August, and October to December. During the spring session, students learn about medicinal gardening, cooking, and creating food media projects. In the summer, students eat organic foods and learn about salads, jams, and other seasonal recipes. During the fall session, students learn about molecular gastronomy and use digital microscopes and point-and-shoot cameras to produce food and science media. 
Registration: Registration is accepted on a rolling basis starting two weeks prior to the start of a session.
Contact Information: Email: media.ed@parks.nyc.gov | Phone: (212) 360-2791

Public Gardens in NYC

Concrete Plant Park
Bronx River between Westchester Ave and Bruckner Blvd
Bronx, NY

New York Botanical Garden: Free admission on Wednesdays from 10AM to 11AM
2900 Southern Blvd
Bronx, NY 10458-5126

Wave Hill: Free admission on Thursdays
4900 Independence Ave
Bronx, NY

Amboy Neighborhood Garden: Open to the public
199 Amboy Street
Brownsville, Brooklyn

Brooklyn Botanic Garden: Pay-what-you-wish Tuesday through Friday, December through February
990 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Narrows Botanical Gardens: Open to the public
Between Bay Ridge Ave and 72nd St 
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY 11209

6BC Botanical Garden: Open to the public
624 East 6th St
New York, NY

Children’s Magical Garden: Open to the public
129 Stanton Street
New York, NY

Conservatory Garden: Open to the public
Restoration currently in progress
Central Park
5th Avenue and 105th Street
New York, NY

Creative Little Garden: Open to the public
530 East Sixth Street
New York, NY 10009

Elizabeth Street Garden: Open to the public
Elizabeth Street, Between Prince & Spring Streets
New York, NY 10012

The Gardens at St. Luke in the Field Church: Open to the public
487 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014

The Lotus Garden: Open to the public every Sunday afternoon from April to November
250 W 97th St
New York, NY 10025

Randall’s Island Park Gardens: Open to the public
20 Randalls Island Park
New York, NY 10035

Shakespeare Garden: Open to the public
Central Park
79th St. Transverse
New York, NY

Paradise Community Garden: Open to the public
107-29 Inwood Street 
Jamaica, NY 11435

Queens Botanical Garden: Free admission Wednesdays 3PM to 6PM, Sundays 9AM to 11AM
43-50 Main Street
Flushing, NY 11355

Staten Island
Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden: Open to the public
1000 Richmond Terrace
Staten Island, NY 10301

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