Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance Program Will Reimburse Farmers

by NYC Food Policy Editor
Part of the Food Policy Snapshot Series
By Riya Patel

Policy name: House Bill 2203: Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance Program and Fund, and Senate Bill 1188: Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance Program and Fund; established and created

Overview: Virginia Governor Ralph Northam established the Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance (VAFA) Program and Fund into existence on March 24, 2021. The VAFA Program reimburses Virginia farmers and food producers for any costs associated with harvesting, processing, packaging, or transporting agriculture products when they donate, sell, or otherwise provide these products to charitable food assistance organizations. Money for the VAFA Program comes from the VAFA Fund, also established by these bills.

Location: Virginia 
Population: 8.5 million 

Food policy category: Food assistance, food insecurity 

Program goals: To increase access of fresh produce to lower-income families. 

How it works: The Virginia government will provide those Virginia farmers and food producers who donate, sell, or provide to charitable food assistance organizations with grants. The bills also provide funding to food assistance organizations to reimburse farmers for their harvesting, processing, packaging, or transporting agriculture products donated to such charitable food assistance organizations. The VAFA Program will disburse grants to charitable food organizations to reimburse farmers for costs associated with harvesting, processing, packaging, or transporting agriculture products donated to such charitable food assistance organizations. The VAFA Program and Fund are supported through the federal CARES Act. Funds will be administered by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Resources. 

The Virginia government will provide food assistance programs the funding to reimburse farmers and food producers for “any costs associated with harvesting, processing, packaging, or transporting 50 agriculture products donated to such charitable food assistance organizations”

Progress to date: Signed by Governor Northam on March 24, 2021 

Why it is important: Multiple municipalities in Virginia have seen food insecurity increase by more than 100 percent since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. These figures are even higher among children: Falls Church, Virginia, saw food insecurity among children increase by 363 percent. This bill provides food insecure communities with access to healthy, nutritious foods while simultaneously incentivizing farmers to continue their charitable donations. 

Program/Policy initiated: Approved on March 24, 2021 

Point of contact: Governor Northam’s Office— Phone: (804) 786-2211, Mailing Address: Office of the Governor, P.O. Box 1475, Richmond, VA 23218 

Similar practices: This bill can be compared to the 2015 federal program, Food Insecurity Nutrition Incentive Program, which assists both consumers and farmers. 

Evaluation: Evaluation has not yet been completed. 

Learn more: 
Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance Program (Virginia’s Legislative Information System) 
Fiscal Impact Statements (Virginia’s Legislative Information System) 

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