New York City’s Proposed Portion Cap Rule Update
This Wednesday, June 4th (2pm EDT) New York State’s highest court will hear final arguments in the litigation to allow the City to move forward with its portion cap on sugary drinks. It’s been two years since the City introduced this measure to the Board of Health. Serving size does matter: NYC’s portion cap rule would help curb soda consumption and reduce incidence of obesity and diet-related disease.
Read more about the portion cap and join the Center for Science in the Public Interest (@cpsi) Tuesday, June 3rd at 2pm for a tweetchat discussing winning strategies to reduce soda-related diseases. NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (@nychealthy) and commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett (@drmarybassett) will be participating.
If you haven’t yet, there’s still time to register for the Second Annual National Soda Summit, June 4-5th, 2014 in Washington DC.