Part of the Food Policy Community Spotlight Series
Name: Food for All
What they do: The organization believes that great meals should be tasted, not wasted, they work with restaurants to make unsold meals available for at least 50 percent less than they would normally cost. The platform connects individuals with restaurant meals that otherwise would be thrown out.
How they do it: Users can find available meal options near them through their mobile app (available for Android and iOS), reserve a meal any time during the day, and pay using the app. Then, all they have to do is go to the restaurant to pick up their meal at the specified time, usually one hour before restaurants close.
Mission: The organization aims to make quality food affordable and convenient to everyone and prevent excess meals from being wasted.
Latest project/campaign:
Major Funding: The organization started as a Kickstarter campaign through which they raised an initial $50,000.00.
Profit/nonprofit: For-profit
Annual Budget: not provided.
Interesting fact about how they are working to positively affect the food system: The business creates incentives for both food vendors and individuals to help alleviate food waste and promote sustainability. They are also pursuing innovative partnerships, such as the “Meal Multiplier Program” through which participating restaurants can elect to donate part of their proceeds to their local food bank, thus transforming food that otherwise would be wasted into monetary donations that support anti-hunger initiatives and feed more people.
Location: Based in Boston and operating in Boston and New York City.
Number of staff: 9
Number of volunteers: 1
Areas served: Boston and New York City
Year Started: December 2016. The app has been available to the public since January 2018
Directors: David Rodríguez, Sabine Valenga, Victor Carreño, co-founders
Contact Information: Katelyn Sobel, Community Manager & Customer Success