Edible Schoolyard NYC: NYC Food Based Community Organization Spotlight

by nycadmin

Edible Schoolyard NYC

ediblenycEstablished in 2010, Edible Schoolyard NYC is a nonprofit organization committed to bringing Alice Waters’ vision to New York City public schools as an effective solution to our childhood obesity crisis. ESYNYC educates NYC public school students to transform their relationship with food through interdisciplinary, hands-on garden and kitchen experiences.

Tell us about your work?

As the first official Edible Schoolyard affiliate in the Northeast, Edible Schoolyard NYC partners with public schools in low-income areas to build, maintain and staff garden and kitchen classrooms—all right on the school premises. In East Harlem, we work with P.S./M.S. 7 and Global Tech Prep to deliver monthly kitchen and garden classes for every student in the school. In addition, we run a weekly farmstand led by students and we host community garden days.

Check out Edible Schoolyard’s youth-run Farm Stand every Wednesday from 2-3pm just across the street from the CUNY School of Public Health | Silberman School of Social Work on 119th street west of Third Avenue!

Any recent success you’ve had with your food-related work? schoolyard2

In the last year, students built garden beds, filled them in with soil, planted food, harvested and learned to cook it in their monthly classes. We are growing 30+ varieties of plants on 500 square feet on a concrete lot. Student favorites include: kale, strawberries and lemon sorrel.

Any recent challenge you have encountered in your food-related work?

Summer time is a difficult time to use the garden at its fullest. When school closes—so does the garden! Hopefully in the coming summers we’ll figure out how to maximize community time in the beautiful space.



Main Office Address: Website: Areas you serve:
55 Washington St. Suite 257
Brooklyn, NY 11201
www.edibleschoolyardnyc.org East Harlem & Gravesend, Brooklyn
Founding Date: Founded by: Full-Time Staff:
2010 John Lyons 17
Volunteers: Core programs:
1-time volunteers/year – 200 Kitchen Class, Garden Class,
Farmstand, Community Garden Days,
Family Cooking Nights,
Professional Development for NYC School Teachers,
Volunteer Program



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