“As promised, Big Soda sues to block #Philadelphia soda tax
https://news.heart.org/big-soda-others-sue-to-block-philadelphia-soda-tax/… #rkidsrworthit #rebuildphl #phled” (Twitter, 9/14/16)
Who said it: Philadelphia American Heart Association
“Taking on Big Soda? Check out great new study out about benefits of #SodaTax in Berkeley https://bit.ly/2bfwUfR #BigSoda” (Twitter, 9/9/16)
Who said it: Anna Lappe, food systems and sustainability advocate and Author, Diet for a Hot Planet
“This is the beginning of a process of changing the narrative of poverty in our city”
Who said it: Jim Kenney, mayor of Philadelphia (Press conference, 6/16/16)
“If we go five years ahead and look back, I think this is going to be a watershed moment”
Who said it: Jim Krieger, executive director at Healthy Food America, an organization that helps cities around the country considering a soda tax (NY Times, 6/16/16)
“This is a fabulous way to get revenue for revenue-starved cities”
Who said it: Marion Nestle, NYU Professor and Author of Soda Politics and Food Politics (The Washington Post, 6/14/16)
“I’m very supportive of the mayor’s proposal to tax soda to get universal pre-school for kids…I mean, we need universal pre-school. And if that’s a way to do it, that’s how we should do it.“
Who said it: Hillary Clinton (Speaking at a forum in Philadelphia, 4/20/16)
Who said it: Donald Trump (Facebook, 6/18/16)
Who said it: Michael Bloomberg (www.mikebloomberg.com, 6/16/16)
“The tax passed today is a regressive tax that unfairly singles out beverages – including low- and no-calorie choices,” the association said in a statement. “But most importantly, it is against the law.”
Who said it: Lauren Kane, a spokeswoman for The American Beverage Association, a trade group, has vowed to fight the measure in the courts. (Statement, 6/16/16)