Food Policy Links (National)

by nycadmin

National Food Policy Links

NamePrimary FocusSocial MediaWebsite
Food Policy ActionPromote a healthy and sustainable food system through:
Public education
• Issue Advocacy
• Publication of the • National Food Policy Scorecard
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Natural Resources Defense CouncilNRDC works to address threats to our health and environment, such as:
Toxic pesticides on crops
Excessive antibiotics in animal agriculture
Contaminants that leach from food packaging.
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Union of Concerned ScientistsUSC publishes reports for promoting science-based food and farm policies.
They encourage sustainable farming methods for the long term.
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Center for Science in the Public InterestFood Day, Nutrition, Food SafetyFB-f-Logo__blue_29 Twitter_logo_bluesmall
Let's MoveLet’s Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched by the First Lady, dedicated to solving the problem of obesity within a generation.FB-f-Logo__blue_29 Twitter_logo_bluesmall
Environmental Working GroupThe Environmental Working Group is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment.FB-f-Logo__blue_29 Twitter_logo_bluesmall
Healthy Food Access PortalThe HFA Portal harnesses a vast array of data and information to support the successful planning and implementation of policies, programs, & projects to improve access to healthy foods in low-income & communities of color.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation WKKF is a grantee which concetrates resources on early childhood within the context of families & communities, offers the best opportunity to dramatically reduce the vulnerability caused by poverty & racial inequity over time. FB-f-Logo__blue_29Twitter_logo_bluesmall
RWJFPhilanthropic foundation dedicated to health. They conduct research along with partners, develop targeted strategies with stakeholders and publish various reports and policy briefs. FB-f-Logo__blue_29Twitter_logo_bluesmall
USDA ERS - Amber WavesThe ERS mission is to inform and enhance public and private decision making on economic and policy issues related to agriculture, food, the environment, and rural development. Twitter_logo_bluesmall
DASH-NYDASH-NY convenes partners from multiple sectors, to develop sustainable, cross-cutting strategies for reducing the burden of obesity & chronic disease in our most disparate communities.FB-f-Logo__blue_29
Community Health Status Indicators (CHSI 2015) CHSI an interactive web application that produces health profiles for all 3,143 counties in the United States. Each profile includes key indicators of health outcomes.
National Sustainable Agriculture CoalitionNSAC advocates for federal policy reform for the sustainability of food systems, natural resources, and rural communities. FB-f-Logo__blue_29
National Farm to School NetworkFarm to School enriches the connection communities have with fresh, healthy food and local food producers by changing food purchasing and education practices at schools and preschoolsFB-f-Logo__blue_29Twitter_logo_bluesmall
Center for Food SafetyCFS is a national non-profit public interest & environmental advocacy organization working to protect human health & the environment by curbing the use of harmful food production technologies & by promoting organic & other forms of sustainable agriculture. FB-f-Logo__blue_29Twitter_logo_bluesmall
Organic Trade AssociationOTA's mission is to promote & protect organic trade to benefit the environment, farmers, the public, and the economy.FB-f-Logo__blue_29Twitter_logo_bluesmall
Bread for the WorldBread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. FB-f-Logo__blue_29 Twitter_logo_bluesmall


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