Food Policy for Breakfast: Race, Racism and Food Justice: Advancing a More Equitable Food System in New York City – Resources
February 17, 2015. CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y., 10016
Dara Cooper, Director, NYC Food and Fitness Partnership
Naa Oyo A. Kwate, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Human Ecology and of Africana Studies, Associate Director, Center for Race and Ethnicity, 2014-2015, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Simran Noor, Director of Policy & Strategy, Center for Social Inclusion
Moderated by Nicholas Freudenberg, Distinguished Professor of Public Health, CUNY School of Public Health & Hunter College, and Faculty Director, NYC Food Policy Center at Hunter College.
Event Video: (Panel highlights and Q&A)
Event Reflections: Race, Racism and Food Justice
by Nicholas Freudenberg and Diana Johnson
Selected Resources on Food, Justice, Race and Racism
Applied Research Center. Color of Food. 2011.
Applied Research Center (now Race Forward). Good Food + Good Jobs for All, 2012.
Bower KM, Thorpe RJ Jr, Rohde C, Gaskin DJ. The intersection of neighborhood racial segregation, poverty, and urbanicity and its impact on food store availability in the United States. Prev Med. 2014;58:33-9.
Center for Social Inclusion. Building the Case for Racial Equity in the Food System, 2014.
Center for Social Inclusion. How to Identify Impacts Toward Racial Equity, 2013.
Center for Social Inclusion. How to Identify Structural Problems, 2013.
Center for Social Inclusion. Shining a Light in Dark Places: Raising Up the Work of Southern Women of Color in the Food System, A Policy Brief, 2014.
City of Seattle. Racial Equity Toolkit to Assess Policies, Initiatives, Programs, and Budget Issues, Race and Social Justice Initiative, 2012
Kwate NO. Fried chicken and fresh apples: Racial segregation as a fundamental cause of fast food density in black neighborhoods, J Health & Place, 2008;14(1)
Kwate NO, Yau C, Loh J, Williams D. Inequality in obesigenic environments: Fast food density in New York City. J Health & Place, 2009;15(1)
Kwate NO. “Racism still exists”: a public health intervention using racism “countermarketing” outdoor advertising in a Black neighborhood. J Urban Health.2014; 91(5):851-72.
Kwate NO, Loh JM, White K, Saldana N. Retail redlining in New York City: racialized access to day-to-day retail resources. J Urban Health. 2013;90(4):632-52.
Lo J, Jacobson A. Human Rights from Field to Fork: Improving Labor Conditions for Food-sector Workers by Organizing Across Boundaries. Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts 2011; 5(1): Food Justice, 61-82
Racial Equity Tools. Racial Equity Tools Glossary.
Reynolds K. Disparity Despite Diversity: Social Injustice in New York City’s Urban Agriculture System. Antipode, 2015;47(1).
Slocum R. Dismantling Racism in the Food System, 2004