East Harlem Research Action Workshop Course Readings and Resources, By Topic: School Food

East Harlem Research Action Workshop Course Readings and Resources, By Topic: School Food

(sorted alphabetically)

Basch CE. Breakfast and the Achievement Gap Among Urban Minority Youth. Journal of School Health. 2011: 81(10); 635–640. Code(s): School Food

Blom-Hoffman J. School-Based Promotion of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Multiculturally Diverse, Urban Schools. Psychol Sch. 2008;45(1):16-27. Code(s): School Food

Bro RT, Shank L, Williams R, McLaughlin TF. The Effects of an In-Class Breakfast Program on Attendance and On-Task Behavior of High School Students. Child & Family Behavior Therapy.1994: 16(3); 1-8. Code(s): School Food

CBS News. Rules would limit marketing of unhealthy foods in schools. CBSNews. February 25, 2014. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rules-would-limit-marketing-of-unhealthy-foods-in-schools/. Code(s): School Food, Food Advertising and Marketing

Citizens Committee for Children of New York City. The School Breakfast Program In New York City Public Schools: Results from a Parent Survey Concerning Student Participation. CCC New York Web Site. https://www.cccnewyork.org/wp-content/publications/CCCReport.SchoolBreakfast.May-2012.pdf. Code(s): School Food

Crepinsek MK, Bernstein AS, McLaughlin JE. Dietary Effects of Universal-Free School Breakfast: Findings from the Evaluation of the School Breakfast Program Pilot Project. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2006; 106(11): 1796-1803. Code(s): School Food

Donovan LF. Everybody Eats Breakfast at Newark Public Schools, Food for Thought: Expanding School Breakfast in New Jersey. Newark, NJ: Advocates for the Children of New Jersey. 2012. Code(s) School Food

Food Research and Action Center. School Breakfast in America’s Big Cities: School Year 2010-2011. 2012. Available at: https://frac.org/pdf/urban_school_breakfast_report_2012.pdf. Code(s): School Food

Gonzalez M. Interactive food & beverage marketing: Targeting latino youth in the digital age. The Journal of Internationalisation and Localisation 2009;1. Code(s): School Food

Hernandez JC. It’s a Hit: Breakfast in the Classroom. The New York Times. 2008. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/17/nyregion/17breakfast.html?_r=0. Code(s): School Food

Kisch M. New Challenges for Her Fancy Footsteps.  The School Administrator. 2013;11(70):51. Code(s): School Food

Kolata G. Obesity Takes hold early in life, Study finds. New York Times. January 30, 2014. https://www.nyt imes.com/2014/01/30/science/obesity-takes-hold-early-in-life-study-finds.html?src=xps. Code(s): School Food

Leos-Urbel J, Schwartz AE, Weinsteinc M, Corcoranc S. Not just for poor kids: The impact of universal free school breakfast on meal participation and student outcomes. Economics of Education Review. 2013: 36; 88-107. Code(s): School Food

Lunch4Learning NYC.  Campaign Documents. Lunch4 Learning Web Site. https://www.lunch4learningnyc.org/#!campaign-materials/c21kz. Code(s): School Food

Melnik T, Rhoades SJ, Wales KR, Catherine C, Wolfe W. Food consumption patterns of schoolchildren in New York City. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 1998; 98: 159-164. Code(s): School Food

New York State Profile, Resources and Policies. National Farm to School Network Web Site. https://www.farmtoschool.org/our-network/new-york. Updated 2014. Code(s) School Food

Nurul-Fadhilah A, Teo PS, Huybrechts I, Foo LH. Infrequent Breakfast Consumption Is Associated with Higher Body Adiposity and Abdominal Obesity in Malaysian School-Aged Adolescents. PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(3); e59297. Code(s): School Food

Nutrition Consortium of NYS. Academics and Breakfast Connection Pilot: Final Report on New York’s Classroom Breakfast Project. Food Research & Action Center Website. No Date. https://frac.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/bic_ny_final_report.pdf. Code(s): School Food

Olsta J. Bringing Breakfast to Our Students: A Program to Increase School Breakfast Participation. Journal of School Nursing. 2013: 29(4); 263-270. Code(s): School Food

Perlman SE, Nonas C, Lindstrom LL, Choe-Castillo J, McKie H, Alberti PM. A menu for health: Changes to New York City School Food 2001 to 2011. Journal of School Health. 20012; 82(10): 484-491. Code(s): School Food

Poppendieck J. School Food 101. In: Free for All. 1st ed. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press; 2010:26-45. Code(s): School Food

Poppendieck J. The ABCs of School Lunch. In Pringle P ed. A Place at the Table. Participant Media; 2013: 123-134. Code(s): School Food

Porter, KJ. Bringing Nutrition Education Programs from Outside Sources into the Classroom: The Experience of New York City Public Elementary Schools. Columbia University. 2013. Available at: https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/catalog/ac%3A162002. Code(s) School Food

Public Plate Report Working Group. Executive Summary: The Public Plate in New York City: A Guide to Institutional Meals. New York City Food Policy Center at Hunter College, 2014. Available at https://nycfoodpolicy.org/research. Code(s): School Food

Public Plate Report Working Group. The Public Plate in New York City: A Guide to Institutional Meals. New York City Food Policy Center at Hunter College, 2014. Available at https://nycfoodpolicy.org/research. Code(s): School Food, Other

Ralston K, Newman C, Clauson A, Guthrie J and Buzby J. The National School Lunch Program, Background, Trends and Issues.  USDA Economic Research Service, ERR-61. 2008. Available at: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED502404.pdf. Code(s): School Food

Reddan J, Wahlstrom K, Reicks M. Children’s Perceived Benefits and Barriers in Relation to Eating Breakfast in schools With or Without Universal School Breakfast. JNEB. 2002: 34; 47-52. Codes: School Food

Van Wye G, Seoh H, Adjoian T, Dowell D. Evaluation of the New York City Breakfast in the Classroom Program.  Am J Public Health. 2013;103(10):e59-e64. Code(s): School Food

Wechsler H, Basch CE, Zybert P, Shea S. Promoting the Selection of Low-Fat Milk in Elementary School Cafeterias in an Inner-City Latino Community: Evaluation of an Intervention. American Journal of Public Health. 1998: 88(3); 427-433. Code(s): School Food

Worobey HS, Worobey J. Efficacy of preschool breakfast program in reducing refined sugar intake. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 1999: 50; 391-397. Code(s): School Food

Come across other useful resources? Please send us the link at info@nycfoodpolicy.org.



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