East Harlem Research Action Workshop Course Readings and Resources, By Topic: East Harlem

East Harlem Research Action Workshop Course Readings and Resources, By Topic: East Harlem

(sorted alphabetically)

ARRA. East Harlem:  Making a Difference One Program at a Time.   Available at: https://www.nyc.gov/html/ops/nycstim/downloads/pdf/e_harlem_spotlight_110919.pdf  (skim report with focus on sections related to food jobs, pp. 6, 9 and 11). Codes: East Harlem

Community Board 11 Statement of District Needs Fiscal Year 2014. 2014. Code(s): East Harlem

Costa P. Community Board 11: East Harlem Retail Analysis.  No date. Available at: https://www.cb11m.org/files/East%20Harlem%20CB11%20Retail%20Analysis_1.pdf. Code(s): East Harlem, Food Retail

Galvez  MP, Lu H, Choi E, Liao L, Godbold J, Brenner B. Childhood Obesity and Neighborhood Food Store Availability in an Inner City Community. Academic Pediatrics 2009; 9(5): 339–343. Code(s): East Harlem; Food Retail

Galvez MP, Morland K, Raines C,  Kobil J, Siskind J,  Godbold J , Brenner B. Race and Food Store Availability in an Inner-city Neighborhood: Public Health Nutrition 2008;11 (6): 624–631.  Code(s): East Harlem, Food Retail

Gordon C, Ghai N, Purciel M, Talwalkar A, Goodman A. Eating Well in Harlem: How Available Is Healthy Food? NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. 2007. Code(s): East Harlem, Food Retail

Horowitz CR et al. “A Model for Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Address the Diabetes Epidemic in East Harlem.” The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, New York  2008; 75 (1): 13–21.doi:10.1002/msj.20017. Codes: East Harlem, Gentrification/Community Development

How Food Gets Into New York and East Harlem, Ch 6: Food  Distribution and Transport Background Reading. Codes: East Harlem

Mexican East Harlem Digital Archive. Essay: Finding Mexican East Harlem. MEHDA Web Site. https://opencuny.org/mehda/essay-finding-mexican-east-harlem/. Code(s): East Harlem

Moss J. On Spike Lee and Hyper-Gentrification. Portside. March 5, 2014. https://portside.org/print/2014-03-05/spike-lee-and-hyper-gentrification. Code(s): Gentrification/Community Development, East Harlem

Olson EC, Van Wye G, Kerker B, Thorpe L, Frieden TR. Take Care East Harlem. NYC Community Health Profiles, Second Edition. 2006:1-16. Code(s): East Harlem

Parikh P et al. “Results of a Pilot Diabetes Prevention Intervention in East Harlem, New York City: Project HEED.” American Journal of Public Health 2010; 100 Suppl 1 (April 1): S232–239. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2009.170910. Codes: East Harlem

Samuelsson M. Is Harlem “good” now? New York Times. February 15, 2014. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/16/opinion/sunday/is-harlem-good-now.html?emc=eta1&_r=0. Code(s): East Harlem, Gentrification/Community Development

Scattergood A, La Marqueta: Examining the Retail Landscape of East Harlem. New York: Columbia University, pp. 4-36. Code(s): East Harlem, Food Retail

 Come across other useful resources? Please send us the link at info@nycfoodpolicy.org.



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