The Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center has announced its third annual Food Policy Media Award. One journalist who is working to transform the food system through media will be honored every year by the Center. This year’s award goes to Naomi Starkman, Founder and Editor-in Chief of Civil Eats. Starkman co-founded the Food & Environment Reporting Network and has worked as a media consultant at Newsweek, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, GQ, and WIRED magazines. She has also worked on several farms and is passionate about organic gardening.
Grew up in: The Bay Area
Job Title/Organization or Company: Founder/editor-in-chief, Civil Eats
Background and Education: Studied international relations and German; law degree and certificates in international law and public interest law; worked in public policy for the City of San Francisco; worked in media for the New Yorker, Newsweek, and others; farmed at several large organic farms
One word you would use to describe our food system: complex
Food policy hero: Tie between Ricardo Salvador and Marion Nestle
Your breakfast this morning: Tea and toast
Favorite food: Peas
Favorite last meal on Earth: Fruit and veg from the garden, grains and beans
Favorite food hangout (restaurant, bodega, coffee place, friend’s house, etc) and why: My house or a friend’s house for a homemade meal
Social media must follow: Civil Eats, of course! (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)