Our work would not be possible without collaboration with the diverse and committed organizations, institutions and coalitions working in East Harlem and across the city on issues related to food access, food insecurity, anti-poverty, living wage, equity, nutrition and diet-related disease, and the many diverse but interrelated issues shaping the food landscape in NYC. To be added to this page, please contact info@nycfoodpolicy.org.
East Harlem
The Center continues to work to build community partnerships with local East Harlem organizations, learning from the work being done and looking for collaborative opportunities. learn more…
We work with many institutions, organizations, coalitions and agencies whose work spans across zip codes to advance our shared goals. learn more..
Community Partner Spotlight
Advancing food policy requires bringing new partners to the table. Many of us are familiar with established food organizations in New York City but every day there are many more coming to the table. In this column, we introduce you to them. Learn more…