East Harlem Research Action Workshop Course Readings and Resources, By Topic: Food Advertising and Marketing

East Harlem Research Action Workshop Course Readings and Resources, By Topic: Food Advertising and Marketing

(sorted alphabetically)

Abbatangelo-Gray J, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Austin SB. Health and nutrient content claims in food advertisements on Hispanic and mainstream prime-time television. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2008;40(6):348-54. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

CBS News. Rules would limit marketing of unhealthy foods in schools. CBSNews. February 25, 2014. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rules-would-limit-marketing-of-unhealthy-foods-in-schools/. Code(s): School Food, Food Advertising and Marketing

Cohen DA, Bhatia R. Nutrition standards for away-from-home foods in the USA. Obes Rev. 2012;13(7):618-29. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Couldry N, McCarthy A. Media space: Place, scale and culture in a media age. London, UK and New York, NY: Routledge; 2004. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

De Lafuente D. Report: McD’s, pepsi score best with young hispanics. Brandweek. 2008;49(16):8-8. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Fleischhacker SE, Evenson KR, Rodriguez DA, Ammerman AS. A systematic review of fast food access studies. Obesity Reviews. 2011;12(5):e460–e471. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Fleming-Milici F, Harris JL, Sarda V, Schwartz, MB. Amount of Hispanic youth Exposure to Food and Beverage Advertising on Spanish- and English-Language Television. JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167(8):723-730. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Food Marketing: Current Status. F as in Fat: How obesity threatens America’s future Web Site. https://fasinfat.org/food-marketing/. Updated 2014. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Galbraith-Emami S, Lobstein T. The impact of initiatives to limit the advertising of food and beverage products to children: a systematic review. Obes Rev. 2013;14(12):960-974. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Grier SA, Kumanyika S. Targeted marketing and public health. Annual Review of Public Health. 2010;31(1):349-369. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Harris J, Schwartz M, Brownell K. Sugary drink Facts: Evaluating sugary drink nutrition and marketing to youth. Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity. 2011. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Harris J, Schwartz M, Munsell C. Fast food Facts 2013: Measuring progress in nutrition and marketing to children and teens. Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity. 2013. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Hayne CL, Moran PA, Ford MM. Regulating environments to reduce obesity. Journal of Public Health Policy. 2004;25(3/4):391-407. Coed(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Huang R. Advertising, Food choices and obesity among Hispanic children. University of Connecticut College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. Available at: https://www.are.uconn.edu/obesity.php. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Institute of Medicine. Food marketing to children and youth: Threat or opportunity? Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2006. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Jenkin G, Madhvani N, Signal L, Bowers S. A systematic review of persuasive marketing techniques to promote food to children on television. Obes Rev. 2014; 15(4):281-293. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Kraak VI, Story M, Wartella EA, Ginter J. Industry progress to market a healthful diet to American children and adolescents. Am J Prev Med. 2011;41(3):322-33. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Kumanyika S, Grier SA. Targeting interventions for ethnic minority and low-income populations. The Future of Children. 2006;16(1):187-207. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Kunkel D, Mastro D, Ortiz M, McKinley C. Food marketing to children on U.S. Spanish-language television. J Health Commun. 2013;18(9):1084-96. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Media Literacy Project. MLP’s guide to making a great counter ad.pdf. MLP Web Site. https://medialiteracyproject.org/sites/default/files/MLP’s%20Guide%20to%20Making%20a%20Great%20Counter%20Ad.pdf. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Mills SD, Tanner LM, Adams J. Systematic literature review of the effects of food and drink advertising on food and drink-related behaviour, attitudes and beliefs in adult populations. Obes Rev. 2013;14(4):303-14. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Moorman C. The Effects of Stimulus, Consumer Characteristics on the Utilization of Nutrition Information. Journal of Consumer Research. 1990; 17(3): 362-374. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Nestle M. Food marketing and childhood obesity — A matter of policy. New England Journal of Medicine. 2006;354(24):2527-2529. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Nyberg K, Ramirez A, Gallion K. Salud america: Influence of media on overweight and obesity among Latino youth. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Research Network to Prevent Obesity Among Latino Children. 2011. Available at: https://www.rwjf.org/content/dam/web-assets/2011/12/physical-activity–overweight-and-obesity-among-latino-youth. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Ogden CL, Kit BK, Carroll MD, Park S. Consumption of sugar drinks in the united states, 2005-2008. NCHS Data Brief. 2011(71). Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Rules would limit marketing of unhealthy foods in schools. CBS News. February 25, 2014. Available at: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rules-would-limit-marketing-of-unhealthy-foods-in-schools/. Codes: Food Advertising and Marketing

Story M, French S. Food advertising and marketing directed at children and adolescents in the US. 2004;1(1):3. https://www.ijbnpa.org/content/1/1/3. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Thompson DA, Flores G, Ebel BE, Christakis DA. Comida en venta: After-school advertising on Spanish-language television in the United States. J Pediatr. 2008 Apr;152(4):576-81. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Thompson DA, Flores G, Ebel BE, Christakis DA. Comida en venta: After-school advertising on spanish-language television in the united states. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2008;152(4):576-581. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Welsh S, Grellinger V. Consumption of added sugars is decreasing in the United States. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2011;94(3):726-734. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Woodward-Lopez G, Kao J, Ritchie L. To what extent have sweetened beverages contributed to the obesity epidemic? Public Health Nutrition. 2010;14(03):499-509. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Wu HW, Sturm R. What’s on the menu? A review of the energy and nutritional content of US chain restaurant menus. Public Health Nutr. 2013; 16(1):87-96. Code(s): Food Advertising and Marketing

Yancey AK, Cole BL, Brown R, et al. A cross-sectional prevalence study of ethnically targeted and general audience outdoor obesity-related advertising. Milbank Quarterly. 2009;87(1):155–184. Code(s): Food Adverstising and Marketing

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